Website Goals & Guidance

Jim Bush - 7/22/2017

Enhance Our Website

The goal of this website is to become the primary communication hub for everyone within the Department of Wyoming so that we may all carryout the VFW mission. To do this the website will be used to send out emails (push out information), but will mainly function as a warehouse of information, documents, reports, etc., that will allow visitors to quickly find and get the information they need (pull the information).

To achieve this goal your input is essential. Currently we are looking for VFW related article updates, new articles, calendar entries, photographs, helpful documents, and other information. Here is some guidance to help make our website goal a realization.


If you have accurate and current information that should be posted on our website please email it to us. Indicating the name of the page the information should be posted to will be of great assistance.


To help protect from computer viruses we are only allowed to post document type files in the PDF (Portable Document Format/Adobe Acrobat) file. So if you wish to have a document posted please email it as a PDF. Hint: Many programs will let you save your files as a PDF, if not; an online file converter can be of use.


For images the JPG/JPEG file format works best on our website. The image should be cropped to only include the desired subject matter. Additionally, the JPG must be formatted for website use. You may already have an image editing program or app to help with this. If not, various programs and apps are available to help do this. Many of these programs and apps have a website setting to adjust your image for use on the web. If you know of a good, simple, and perhaps free app that prepares image files for website use please share the link so we can post it below.


Articles do not have to be very long, a few paragraphs, but they do require interesting substance. For articles to be of interest we ask for several things: a title, details (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How), the author, when you would like it posted to our website, when it should be removed, where more information can be found, and a lead.

The lead is of vital importance, it can be a brief summary or ask a question of the reader, but it must compel the reader to want to know more. Our news section of the website is currently set up as a list of our article titles and the lead. The lead needs to be the hook that gets the reader to click onto the title to read more, if the hook is not good enough the reader may never click to see the full article, photos, links, etc.

Please don’t despair; instead take a look at our news section. Some articles are well written, but to be honest most could have used some extra help before they were posted, and some are really dated.

We know everybody has busy lives and already gives so much of themselves that is why we are seeking just a little help from many to turn our website into a truly useful tool. Thank you.

Useful links

Department of Wyoming Website Committee email address:

Online convert images to JPG files:

Royalty free images:

Convert image for website use: Awaiting input